School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC)

Among the the many responsibilities of the SIAC is the review, update, and approval of the district's wellness policy. If you are interested in participating on the review of this policy, please contact the Superintendent.

Current members are:

Shawn Kreman- Superintendent

Doug Jiskoot- Secondary Principal

Tim Snyder- Elementary Principal

Troy Bauder- Board member/parent

Jennifer Jenson- Board member/parent

Michelle Nelson- Parent

Jessica Snyders- Parent

Mark Timmerman- Parent

Chet Mogler- Parent

Kathy Knoblock- Parent

Heather Knoblock- Parent

Isaac Rinkenberger- Parent

Holly Scholten- Parent

Dan Gerber- Business Owner

Anita Van Veldhuizen- Parent

Craig Winquist- CTE Staff

Shane Peterson- CTE Staff

Shauna Kill- CTE Staff

Kristin Rockhill- CTE Staff

Ryan Brasser- CTE Staff

Kim Mulder- Staff

Cathy Doorneweerd- Staff

Leah Twedt- Staff

Amber Bjorklund- Staff

Jeremy Childress- Staff

Ellie Monstma- Staff

9-11th grade student representatives

Minutes of the SIAC Meeting

April 29, 2019

taken by Cathy Doorneweerd

  1. Introductions and minutes from last meeting

  2. Overview of the West Lyon CSD Wellness Policy (504.3)

    1. Review of wellness policy
    2. Shared allowable limits of nutritional requirements
    3. Sodium levels will be cut again target for FY 2022 <640 k-5, <710 mg 6-8, <740 mg 9-12
    4. Goal for SIAC is to understand the policy and how that impacts the school district meal choices and what we can do to impact the policy
    5. If we don’t follow policy, then school will be cited. School will be warned, loss of funding
    6. Next school year will see a salad bar and 2 commercial microwaves to warm meals from home
  3. Student visitors: Junior class officers

    1. Cade Metzger medical field
    2. Megan Van Wyhe nurse
    3. Shayna Skiles, medicine
    4. Taylor DeJong, teacher
  4. Graduation requirements at West Lyon- Mr. Jiskoot

    1. 46 credit, 1 credit per semester
    2. 8 credits English, 6 math, 6 science, 6 social studies
    3. English classes are changing for next year. Students will have the options of what kind of writing and reading classes will suit them best for the future
    4. Some alternative programs must meet state requirements, but not necessarily the school requirements to earn a tiered diploma
  5. What is dual enrollment? Mr. Jiskoot

    1. Concurrent enrollment classes are offered

    2. WL has 50% of AP students earn a 3 or higher. State rate is 60.91%

    3. Most schools are offering CE classes through online NCC classes. Need to have a C or higher for most colleges to accept

    4. Students get both high school and college credit for these classes

    5. Failing a College level class will keep you from participating in extracurriculars for 30 days

    6. GPA of 3.0 or higher and be a junior or senior

      1. There may be circumstances that would allow you to do classes earlier
  6. At Risk Program

    1. Improvement of existing at Risk Program to better meet the needs of students
    2. Jeremy Childress will be the new coordinator
    3. There will be identifying factors that will identify students to go into the program
    4. Some may be there for a short time, some may be doing credit recovery in online classes
  7. ISASP review: Mr. Jiskoot and Mr. Snyder

    1. From the Technology standpoint it went extremely well
    2. Different tests than in the past, now we need
    3. Students believe it was more about your knowledge instead of just filling in the blanks, liked it better, kept focus better
    4. In 3rd grade technology was fine, but if students clicked done there was no way to go back in
    5. Keyboards would be appreciated for more than just the juniors
    6. Overall, felt good about the process
    7. Results will not be in until the fall
  8. District update

    1. Full day of school on Friday, May 3
    2. Last day of school will be a 12:00 dismissal
  9. Meeting schedule for 2019-20? Look at Oct, Jan and April dates

    1. Stay on Monday nights
  10. SAVE dollars & Transportation funding

    1. Approved last week by the Senate
    2. Waiting for approval by the governor
  11. Adjourn